Join my New Release Mailing List and I'll send you a weird fairy tale called "I Will Tell You About Knoist." This short story is not for sale and is only available to mailing list subscribers. (It might take me a day or two to send you the story. Fulfillment is not automatic.) You'll receive both ePub and mobi copies of the story.
The mailing list will only be used to inform readers of my new releases. (I can't imagine you'd receive an e-mail from me any more than once every couple of months.)
I will not spam you.
I won't send you e-mails to tell you about my pets or what movies I've just watched.
I won't e-mail you about someone else's project or to ask you to donate to my favorite charity.
I will not sell your e-mail address to a third party.
You can unsubscribe to my mailing list at any time.
(Or, if you'd prefer, you can e-mail me directly or send me a direct message on your preferred social networking platform.)