94 Following

Gregor Xane

I prefer science fiction, fantasy, and horror without the spaceships, dragons, and zombies.

My Top 10 Reads of the Past 12 Months

1. Killing Commendatore, by Haruki Murakami

2. Skullface Boy, by Chad Lutzke

3. Things We Lost in the Fire, by Mariana Enríquez, Megan McDowell (Translator)

4. Everything is Horrible Now, by Edward Lorn

5. The Secret of Ventriloquism, by John Padgett

6. Train Dreams, by Denis Johnson

7. Blackwater IV: The War, by Michael McDowell

8. Blackwater III: The House, by Michael McDowell

9. Gateways to Abomination: Collected Short Fiction, by Matthew M. Bartlett

10. It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World, by Curtis M. Lawson