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Gregor Xane

I prefer science fiction, fantasy, and horror without the spaceships, dragons, and zombies.

If I could do you both tomorrow, I would

The Widow's House - Daniel Abraham The Ghost in the Electric Blue Suit - Graham Joyce

These books come out tomorrow! If you've not read Graham Joyce, you're missing out. Daniel Abraham ain't too shabby either. But this one's number four in a five part series. (Pssst! Long Price Quartet, fantasy lovers.)


On a somewhat related note: The above-mentioned Joyce book was released under the much cooler title Year of the Ladybird in the UK. I guess some marketing genius figured that US readers would never dream of picking up a book with an unfamiliar word in the title. Why do they do this? Readers are not stupid. Seems like they'd figure that out, since readers, you know, read.